Estate Planning, Wills, and Trusts
We understand that you want to ensure that your family is cared for in the future. Whether it is through the preparation of a Will, establishment of a Trust, or any number of other solutions we can provide, Thomas & Libowitz is committed to providing clients peace of mind about their future.
There are a multitude of tools with which Thomas & Libowitz is experienced in order to provide clients with the customized planning they need. These tools can address all manner of issues, such as: tax savings; special need family members; second marriages; life insurance planning; and business succession. An example of some of the tools available include:
- Last Will and Testaments
- Powers of Attorney
- Health Care Directives
- Revocable Trusts
- Gift Trusts
- Life Insurance Trusts
- Special Needs Trusts
- Personal Residence Trusts
- Buy-Sell Agreements
- Asset Protection Trusts
When you want to plan for the future of your family, and to make sure that everything will be overseen by a caring and competent attorney, contact us today at 410-752-2468.