Thomas&Libowitz a professional association

25 South Charles Street, Suite 2015 Baltimore, Maryland 21201 410.752.2468

Archive for August, 2020

Thomas & Libowitz attorneys named for inclusion in the Best Lawyers in America for 2021.

Wednesday, August 26th, 2020

Five Thomas & Libowitz attorneys were named for inclusion in the 2021 Edition of The Best Lawyers in America. C. Wayne Davis for Corporate Law Steven A. Thomas for Commercial Litigation and Corporate Law Frank Laws for Employment Law –… Read More

What will happen with the federal estate tax in a season of uncertain political events?

Thursday, August 20th, 2020

There is no doubt we live in strange times.  As tax and business advisors, we are all asking what is the likelihood of the Senate of the White House going Democratic?  And if there is a wholesale turnover, what happens… Read More